My Colour Prescription
Jules Standish Colour Analysis
Driven, extrovert, organized
Colourful Comfort Zone:
Muted, warm, earthy
Dear Autumn,
Welcome to your Colour Prescription. As someone who is very organised and highly motivated, I really hope you will love to discover what your happy colours are.
With your outgoing nature and high energy, you love to get stuck into a project and have the drive to see things through. So, wearing your earthy, warm, rich autumn palette will be supportive of your needs and give you strength and confidence as well as looking healthy and attractive.
Considering your Autumn personality, I have highlighted your key shades below to offer you a sense of equilibrium for your well-being. From the book you will know if are influenced by another season, that makes up your Personal Colour Prescription. So now it’s up to you to choose to clash colour, go monotone or team with a neutral. If you have a summer influence, you might prefer to tone down your strong shades with softer ones. If you have a winter influence think jewel tones of your rich purples and reds and those with a hint of spring, may find yourselves drawn to the more vibrant, shades of orange, green and yellow.
Finally, I am so happy to be able to offer you your own colour prescriptive digital fan of colour analysis at a great price. With over 100 shades to choose from, for your wardrobe, make-up, and interiors, to download and keep. It’s one of the extra ways I can help give you “A Colourful Dose of Optimism” forever!!
Colourful wishes

The Colour Counsellor


Prescribe if you need to feel more energised, get visible, stand out, feel confident and dynamic. Choose red to show you are passionate, driven, lively, active, ambitious, and of course romantic
In doses that are brick, red orange, rust, tomato, bittersweet

Prescribe if you need to feel more sociable, happy, confident, optimistic, fun loving, adventurous, daring, or positive. A great colour choice if starting anything new for some added enthusiasm and zest
In doses that are burnt orange, terracotta, pumpkin (orange loves you and so please love it back)

Prescribe if you need to give yourself a sunshine hug or make someone smile.
Wear yellow to feel more upbeat, and joyful, get mentally stimulated for any creative project or if you need to think clearly. Yellow is also wonderful to increase your self-esteem
In doses that are mustard, golden, ochre, saffron, antique gold

Prescribe if you feel the need to re-balance after a period of high activity or an illness, hit the refresh button, find some harmony in relationships, make some clear-headed decisions, start a new project, get productive and highlight your friendly nature when out socialising
In doses that are khaki, olive, dark-lime, yellow-green, grey-green, moss, jade

Prescribe if you need to relax! You do love to charge about, so blue is your happy dose of calm. Also think about wearing blue if you are going on a date, need to make a speech, for a job interview or just need to communicate in a trustworthy, diplomatic way.
In doses that are teal, marine-navy,

Prescribe if you need help with self-expression. Turquoise provides a balance between body and mind and is playful and uplifting to wear. A great blue choice if you need to communicate and make decisions.
In doses of differing warmth and strength, depending on preference and needs

Prescribe if you feel the need to nurture yourself or others, if you work in a caring profession, want to feel empowered and have some fun or feel romantic
In doses that are best muted, coral, salmon or peachy (you are limited with pink shades, due to the golden nature of your skin-tone)

Prescribe if you feel the need for mediation in any relationship, to be the peacemaker, find some inspiration to get creative, or choose to meditate and calm your nervous system
In doses that are muted, strong and rich shades of purple, aubergine

Prescribe if you feel the need for some stability, grounding or a sense of security and shows you are a dependable and reliable person. Brown is your neutral so wear it in abundance with your rich earthy colours. Choose the shades of brown that appeal to you most for balance and harmony
In doses of camel, tan, golden brown, caramel, chocolate, chestnut, mocca

Prescribe if you feel the need to add a dark neutral to any of your earthy colours as grey is professional and practical and shows you have good judgement
In doses either light or dark the warmer the better, so with a yellow base

Prescribe if you need some freshness, clarity, and order, or want to appear traditional, open-minded, and reassuring. Cream is like a blank canvas that will allow your autumn shades to harmonise beautifully
In doses of clotted cream, ivory, coffee-cream, peachy cream, warm beige
Autumn’s Make-up Boosters
Prescribe if you would like a healthy appearance, with an even complexion, sparkly clear eyes, and a youthful glow.
In doses of warm, golden bases either light or dark to match your own colouring. Red-brown, golden-brown, rich apricot and coral blushers, blend beautifully with eyes of gold, khaki green, deep blue-greens or browns. Lips in coral shades, brown, bronze, orange or deep warm reds and remember you autumn can wear lots of make-up to your preference!

Autumn’s Happy Home

Prescribe a place to live that surrounds you in warm colours, and make you feel comforted and wrapped in the richness of your fabrics. You will love brick and stone in earthy tones, favouring solid furniture and raw textures. Choose mindfully the colours of your rooms, whether you need blue for a calm bedroom to sleep well in, or yellow in your hallway to welcome in the outside world.
In doses of decorating colours that will lift your mood. Terracotta along with all shades of orange and brick red combine luxuriously with warm golds and deep rich browns. Olive and khaki greens will sit harmoniously alongside bronze furniture